Clarinet, Sax, Flute, or Piano Lessons in Person or on Zoom for All Levels of Music. Learn to Play!

Smith Music Studio accepts students at all levels, and we want you to play music that you really want to play. Fill out the contact form and let us know what kind of music you want to learn in Zoom or in-person lessons, live and one-on-one. We can also host group lessons with your bandmates or friends. We teach Bach, Coltrane, Carole King, Post Malone, and anything in between. You should be playing music you actually like!
SMS Students move on to the Next Level
Best of luck to the amazing class of 2021! Entering college this fall are five former SMS students with great promise. In addition to James Lippe, Natalie Miller, and Brian Morris, Laura Friestad and Sam Ross are both majoring in music at excellent schools. Sam is studying with Damani Phillips in the UI Jazz Program, and Laura is at the Lawrence University Conservatory of Music.